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Mentoring 101

Project launch mentors

“The most critical piece of a successful mentoring relationship is establishing a good relationship between mentor and mentee.“

- Dr. Torie Weiston-Serdan in her book Critical Mentoring, a Practical Guide

RAW’s Mission is

To ignite the desire to create and confidence to succeed in our youth.

RAW is a youth arts organization, rooted in art therapy. At its core, RAW believes that all kids should be seen and heard and that everyone has a story to tell. Located in Lynn, Massachusetts, RAW offers a variety of free programming from painting to filmmaking, for kids in grades 4-12. RAW uses art to ask kids “what is really going on” in their lives, giving them the tools to create in unexpected ways, and envision new possibilities for their future.

Project Launch: Raw's College & Career Access Program

Project Launch provides goal-oriented college access and career exploration programming for high school students. Through 1:1 mentoring matches, as well as workshops, and staff office hours, RAW is building post-secondary life skills. The time commitment for volunteers averages one hour per week, including four mentor training sessions during the year, and fun events you’ll be invited to engage in!

My mentee had little hope, little guidance from home or school, had a child at 15, didn’t think he’d go to college, was skeptical of this and of me. By the end, he was a full man, taking responsibility for all aspects of his life, applying to colleges, applying for scholarships, and being observant and diligent. He did not let himself down. It just took some guidance, commitment, love, and caring from others to see that he does have a great life ahead of himself if he commits to the difficult work of making that happen.
It was incredible to watch as he grew.
— Chris Stockwell, Project Launch Mentor